Wracamy z naszymi seminariami! Cieszymy się, że możemy was zaprosić na kolejny wykład z cyklu NEURO Seminar. Zaczniemy wykładem Victorii Paterson pt. „Spatial filtering in invasive neurophysiology”. Poniżej opis wykładu i link do wydarzenia na Facebooku.
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Victoria Peterson will talk about spatial filteringin invasive neurophysiology.
The recorded brain activity can be modelled as a linear superposition of brain and non-brain sources. While the proximity of electrode contacts in invasive neurophysiology is higher than in non-invasive neurophysiology, the spatial filtering techniques used to recover the brain sources related to a given task or behavior can still be utilized for the construction of brain decoding algorithms.
In this talk Victoria will present how spatial filtering methods can be used in invasive neurophysiology, putting special emphasis on the use of these techniques for movement decoding in the context of developing adaptive deep brain stimulation devices.
Victoria is a CONICET Assistant Researcher at IMAL, Santa Fe, Argentina and an Associated Professor at Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina. She got her degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2013 and in 2018 her Ph.D degree in Engineering, Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence. In 2019 she joined the IMAL, UNL-CONICET, as a CONICET postdoc fellow and then in 2021 she joined the Brain Modulation lab as a Harvard Research Fellow in the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, US. Currently she serves as an international and external collaborator of the Brain Modulation Lab. She has more than 10 years of experience working in machine learning solutions for brain signal decoding in the context of brain-computer interfaces. One of her research projects was nominated to receive the BCI Award 2021. More info in her website: https://sites.google.com/view/victoria-peterson/home